How to Pay your Suite Rent in Product Sales


Selling beauty products out of your salon suite can pay your weekly rent when done properly! As a salon owner, you have the freedom to sell whichever products you choose, selecting products that both you and your clients love will keep them coming back for more!

Choose your Brand

The first step to running any successful business is to choose your brand. Not just the brand of the products you will sell, but the brand of your salon and how it connects with those products. Is your specialty blonde hair? If so, be sure to have a wide variety of products targeted to clients with lighter hair. Are you an esthetician? Skin care products for your clients to take home is a must. Maybe you run a side business creating jewelry, have that on display as well! In a more direct sense, choosing the actual brand of the products you are selling requires some thought as well. The most important factor in choosing the right product brand is to choose a brand you love, a brand that you use on your clients during their service and a brand that you would use at home on yourself.

Setting your Prices

If you are just starting out in your salon, you can’t afford to discount your products just yet. Save the discounts for later when you identify products that aren’t selling. In the beginning, it is important to do your research. You want to find the perfect balance between setting a price that is profitable for you and also a fair price to your clients. Once you find that perfect balance, you should have no issue selling products in your salon. Here are a few common pricing strategies for you to consider:

  1. Cost plus pricing —The most simple strategy is to calculate your costs and add a mark-up

  2. Competitive pricing—Set your prices based on what the competition charges (research other salons in your area and see what they are charging for the same products)

  3. Value-based pricing—Setting a price based on how much you believe the customer will pay for it

Promote and Advertise

Now that you have chosen the right products and have them set at the right price, it is time to advertise and sell these awesome products to your clients! The first step is to use the products you love on your clients during their service, make sure you are explaining to them what you are using and why it is beneficial. During their service, suggest products that are specific to their needs and offer to help them choose a great product to take home after their service is done.

Another great way to promote your products is to utilize your social media platforms to promote your products. Tutorial videos or even how-to videos while servicing a client are both great ways to get the word out about your products and the best ways to use them. If your clients see you using the products on yourself or on your clients they will trust that you believe in those products and be more likely to purchase them from you.

Now that you have all these great tips on how to successfully sell products within your salon, get out there and put them to work!