5 Step Action Plan to Safely Re-Open Your Salon or Spa

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Many beauty professionals are feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what steps to take to ensure the safety of themselves and their clients once they are able to re-open. Your action plan should consist of steps you will take to keep clients stay safe while also protecting yourself. Fortunately, if you are working out of a salon suite or salon studio you are already set up in an ideal environment to handle this more effectively. Be sure that you are following all relevant CDC recommendations outlined here.

  1. Protective Equipment - Determine what type of protective equipment you and your clients will be required to wear.

    • All service providers should wear a face covering and also disposable gloves as an added layer of protection ( make sure you are disposing of soiled gloves and replacing with a new pair of gloves as needed).

    • Clients should also wear a face mask and be provided with a new, disposable cape to wear during their service.

  2. Service Provider Protocol - Determine what you will do before and after each client to ensure protection for your clients and yourself. It is very important to allow enough time in between appointments to perform all of these steps:

    • Clean and disinfect all shears, brushes and any other tools used while servicing your clients.

    • Clean and sanitize your hands upon entering your salon and between each and every client. Best practices for thoroughly sanitizing your hands includes washing your hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds.

    • Clean and disinfect every station, chair, mirror, and any product used and touched to ensure everyone’s health and safety.

    • Service providers should ask each client entering the facility the following questions - Have you had a cough? Have you had a fever? Have you been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms within the past 14 days? Are you living with anyone who is sick or quarantined?

    • Stay home if you are not feeling well and ask your clients to do the same, your clients should understand if you need to reschedule their appointment given the circumstances.

  3. Client Protocol - Determine what your clients will be required to do to ensure their safety and make sure they are informed before their appointment.

    • Advise clients to secure their appointment with a credit card prior to their appointment. This will help avoid contact at checkout (no cash policy).

    • Only one client at a time - advise clients to not bring relatives, children or friends to their appointment to decrease the number of people coming in and out of your salon. Only the client being serviced should be allowed in your facility.

    • Be sure clients are sanitizing their hands before entering your salon. A hand-washing sink or touch-less sanitizing station should be provided.

    • Clients should be advised to wait in their car for their appointment to maintain distance from other clients. Determine the process you will follow to let your clients know when its safe to come in ( ex: have your client call when they arrive and wait in their car until you call and let them know you are ready to begin their appointment).

    • Advise clients to leave unnecessary personal belongings in their car ( hats, scarves, large purses or bags).

    • Advise clients to stay home if they are not feeling well (consider waiving any missed appointment fees during this time).

  4. Facility Protocol - Additional restrictions should be set to ensure the safety of all clients and yourself.

    • If a waiting area or lobby must be used, ensure all chairs are at least 6 feet apart and make sure they are being sanitized before and after each use. Alternatively, you may ask your clients to wait in their car until their appointment time (see above).

    • Maintain social distancing between workstations. If you are working out a double suite, ensure all stations are at least 6 feet apart or insert a divider as an extra layer of protection.

    • Remove any shared items such as magazines or beverage stations to stop the spread of germs.

    • Ensure sanitizing of all high traffic areas on a regular basis including bathrooms, door handles, light switches, etc.)

  5. Communicate your policies clearly and frequently - Once you’ve determine what your policies will be and how you will be implementing those policies, make sure your clients are aware. Communicate these policies before their appointment and via multiple methods (email, signage, text messaging, etc.)

    1. Consider sending out a mass email to all of your clients outlining your action plan and the steps you are taking to keep them safe.

    2. Send out a personal message outlining your client protocol to each client the day before their appointment so they come prepared.

    3. Post signage around your facility with instructions to ensure your policies are followed (ex: a sign on the front door stating all clients must wear a mask and sanitize their hands upon entering).

Lastly, remember you are not alone! There are lots of great resources available to help you through this difficult time and we hope this recommended action plan will be helpful to you. Keep in mind that these recommendations may change based on your location and the status of the pandemic in your area. Be sure to stay updated on all recommendations from the CDC.